TV Series – The Impact of Audio-Visual Storytelling on Society about Culture and Traditions

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Nino Gelovani


Television as a global system and a lifestyle phenomenon for a wide audience influences an outcome that positively or negatively shapes not only an individual or a group, but society as a whole. In modern society we can freely see what values have decreased, which have increased or has established. Man, certainly, evolves over time and his views change along with values, but television plays the biggest role in shaping the character. We receive lots of information from television and the Internet on a daily basis and at such speed that the
capabilities of the perceptual and memory phases are doubled. Television has no borders, people living in different countries of the world get to know and talk to each other through audio-visual language. Television has become an integral part of every sphere of life.

The 21st century is considered the century of TV series by many. Audio visual narration and watching a story with a TV series is the best way to spend your free time. Every day, together with the characters of the TV series, we overcome new obstacles, and it seems that we will never get bored of it, because "characters we are familiar with" are us, who are familiar with the problems often given in TV series. TV series have become a train of the collective narrative as a precondition for the creation of a new civilization. Cinema tried to create a national myth,
which was shattered by TV series. The TV series has become a form where an era without crisis is created, scattered in time and space. This is a story without a beginning and an end – in the rhythm of the beginning and end of the TV series seasons.

The TV series is a new civilization that perceives the world in a fragmented way, because “the principle of the TV series is to deviate from the path. It is not just a popular TV genre, it is primarily a form, it is aesthetically new and we know that the invention of forms is rare, deeply relevant. The symptom of the series is the world, it is structured as a world in crisis, or the world itself will be structured as a series. Mass, popular culture is an integral and widespread part of modern culture. TV series are a phenomenon of mass culture, which soon
established an honorable place in the broadcasting space. The TV series, in turn, is related to pop culture through TV channels and social networks. In Georgia, as well as around the world, there has been a real boom of TV series in recent years. Consequently, it is very difficult for any show to be particularly fascinating to the viewer, at first the viewer denied this fact, convincing himself that he had no time to watch TV series. But with the advent of the internet, the circle of addiction to the TV series has expanded, viewers can watch the TV series at any time and do not have to sit at the screen at specific times in the evenings. The dependence on the Internet and TV series, to some extent, reflects the mood of our society. People are alienated from each other. Often, a virtual image of a person is more favorable to us and to him than a real, tangible one. The viewer begins to live with the feelings of another, with the emotions of another.

TV series gives the audience a chance to travel around the world, get to know different cultures and traditions, which diversify their lives.

TV, TV series, pop culture, sociocultural
Published: Jun 24, 2022

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