Different Perspectives, New Focuses: An Analysis on Artists Performing Turkish Art of Ceramics

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A. Feyza Çakir Özgündoḡdu


This review includes examples from ceramics artists who are known in their fields in contemporary ceramic art in Turkey. In the selection of the artists, the difference of their interests and research areas was taken into consideration. At the same time, the existence of
critical writing experiences on the works of the artists provided the formation of this selection. These artists, all of whom have PhD degrees, are at a qualified level in terms of both practical and theoretical writing. Building the theoretical infrastructure of the work of art and publishing it as a thesis, article or book is an important requirement for academic artists. For this reason, this article is supported by the statements of the artists about their own production processes and works. In art production, it is a scientific attitude to have theory, a panoramic perspective, to exhibit a critical attitude, and to be aware of different disciplines. There are many different schools, classifications and tendencies in art studies conducted in academic arts fields. Today's Turkish ceramic art studies are getting richer with theses, critical articles and papers.

Published: Jun 24, 2022

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