The Colchian Bronze Culture and a “Fantastic Animal” (Typology, Chronology, Distribution, Genesis)

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Nino Sulava


Of the topics related to the Colchian Bronze Culture, of particular interest is the study of the images of a “fantastic animal”, on the semantics of interpretations of which as different animals many works have been created.

The cult of the dog (that same “fantastic animal”) was widespread in various forms both in the Caucasus and in Europe. According to researchers (N. Marr, N. Abakelia), the wolfdog, as a guard and protector, is classified together with representatives of reptiles – dragon, snake, whale, that is, the inhabitants of the underground.

The “fantastic animal” has not yet been comprehensively investigated – in terms of typology, chronology, distribution and genesis.

Dynamics of the typological development of these images has shown that the “fantastic animal” is divided into two groups according to the distinctive manner of execution. More naturalistic images have been combined into group 1, and stylized, schematic and geometrized figures – into group 2. Two subgroups have been singled out in group 1, and four subgroups – in group 2.

Dynamics of the chronological development of these images has shown that the artifacts with “fantastic animals” of group 1 date back to the first half of the 8th century and the 7th century BC, and those of group 2 – to the second half of the 8th century and the beginning
of the 6th century BC.

The distribution of these images covers a fairly large area, starting from Northern Italy and the Adriatic (engraving, granulation, punson on various artifacts, made in different techniques), and directly indicates the contacts of Colchis with Europe via the sea, which is part of the route of the Argonauts’ journey to Colchis (the dragon, guarding the Golden Fleece is one of the images of the “fantastic animal”).

The data obtained as a result of the study of images of “fantastic animals”, the most significant plot of artifacts of the Colchian Bronze Culture, in terms of typology, chronology, distribution and genesis have confirmed that these images were formed within the Colchian Bronze Culture, the roots of which are in the territory of Georgia, Colchis, where even its range is outlined along with the contact and infiltration zones – starting from the territory of Turkey, adjacent to Georgia, and including the territory adjoining to Abkhazia from the north, as well as Meskheti, Shida Kartli (former South Ossetia) and part of the North Caucasus.

Published: Jun 24, 2022

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